When no one else would help......
Special adoptions

'Cody' an 8 year old collie mix was adopted from a ‘no-kill’ shelter that would not take him back when the family’s circumstances changed. No other animal group would help, saying Cody was ‘too old.’ Pet Assistance, Inc. found a fabulous home for him with a woman many shelters would consider ‘too old.’
“Free to good home.” The ad was appealing to the family looking for a free dog. At 7 months, Brute was already 75 pounds. He chased their cats at his new home, so he was confined to the basement. We placed him with a couple who had just bought a house. He has been obedience trained and lives peaceably with three cats.
‘Lucky’ (the cream colored shepherd mix) was found in the Bronx. He was ten years old, had tags, and a microchip. Certified letters to the owners on record were returned: “no forwarding address.” P.A. "pulled him from NYC Animal Control. Lucky for Lucky, we found him a perfect home!
'Barney' sat in a cage at a pound for 10 months before Pet Assistance, Inc. “pulled him.” The girl in the photo always pleaded with her parents for a dog and when she turned 16, her parents finally conceded. A perfect match!
CRAIGSLIST AD: " Friendly cat abandoned at airport. We are afraid she may get hurt here...please adopt...first come, first served." A Good Samaritan saw the ad, drove to the airport in New York State and brought "Amelia" to Pet Assistance. She is the "Queen" of her new home.

"Bow Wow" (now BoBo) was turned in to the Brooklyn AC. He is an older dog and the family was moving. They had him groomed to make him more adoptable. Sadly, he got very sick at the shelter, but PA "pulled him" and got him better.
BoBo visiting Nova Scotia with his new owner six months later! His coat is half grown in.


"Angel" is what she is! AND a foreclosure victim.

"Mimi" an older cat whose owner died.
Whiskey" was a scared stray puppy from NYC who now enjoys Connecicut country living."

"Popper"'s owner died and the house was sold. Every time PA placed him, he would not eat and was returned! Finally, he found a place he liked, ate from day one and is living happily every after.

CRAIGSLIST AD: "Buddy" 7 year old French Mastiff needs home with no young children..Some health issues" Pet Assistance to the rescue!